How to Choose a Pet-Friendly Cleaning Company

When it comes to choosing a cleaning company, there are many criteria to consider, not least of which is your pet. Because we know that pets are part of the family too, and that they'll always be present in the house during cleaning services.

Not only will your pets find themselves with people they don't know in their home, but these people will also be making noise. For example, the vacuum cleaner, going back and forth in the rooms, or simply seeing the housekeepers cleaning their living spaces. All these situations are likely to create stress in your pets. What's more, the cleaning company that comes to your home is responsible for your home while they're there, so they need to explain how they'll proceed to reassure your pet. 

For all these reasons, when it comes to cleaning your home, the cleaning company should take the time to reassure your pet, by petting it and "introducing" itself to it, just as it would to you.

It's important to help them get to know your pets, to reassure them and build up their confidence.

In conclusion, respect, and kindness towards pets must be among the important values of the cleaning company staff who will come.

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